5 Ways to Speed up your Website

Hmm, the title says it all. It is really important to keep your site good and healthy to attract new readers and to maintain the old readers as well. Healthy does not mean that you must give pizza and burger for it lol and it does not need them too. It is simple, make you site load faster. When you start a new site/blog the loading speed will be quite good since you will not have much stuffs on it but things change as the site/blog grow. When you add contents, images and videos it will affect the loading speed of your site/blog. What will you do if a site loads more than 20-30 seconds? Close it isn’t t? Well, that is not wrong because everyone does the same and even I. is there way to make a site/blog load in a rocket speed? Hmm well to be frank there is no such way is available but still you can reduce the loading speed of your site/blog. How? Simple, follow the ways given below,

1. Use a slash at the end of your links:

This is the most important thing that you must do and this is a best way to reduce the loading speed that I know. What is this? Hmm, I will explain. Stop reading this for a moment and look at the URL of this post. Do you find anything? Cool, go to the end of the URL now. Now got it? Still No? cool, see a backslash ‘/’ at the end of the URL. Yes, this is what I was speaking about. By adding a backslash ‘/’ at the end of the URL server will come to know that it is a directory that already exists thereby reducing the load time. If you do not add it then every time the server will look for the URL which increases the loading speed.

2. Reduce your JavaScript Codes:

This is the second thing you must do to optimize your blog’s loading speed. I am sure all of you will use loads of JavaScript Codes in you sites and that is not your fault as well. All the Software today uses JavaScript Code starting from Adsense, WordPress pluings and every other uses the same. When you load your site do not forget to take a look at the status bar of your browser because it will show how many sites it is connecting before loading your site. So try to keep your JS code as less possible. If you still want to use the JS codes then optimize it by crunching it. Not sure how to crunch? Hit here: http://www.brainjar.com/js/crunch/

3. Optimize your images:

Here is your third assignment. As we all pretty well know images can put huge load on the servers and that too big images can give the real pressure. Of course it is not possible to make a site without images as a picture speaks thousand times more. If you want to add images and still need good loading speed then optimize your images for Web. There is loads of software which will give you an option to ‘Optimize image for web’ and even online tools are available.
Software: www.imageoptimizer.net/

4. Optimize your CSS:

The next thing you must do is to optimize your CSS. I am sure your site must have a .css file which is nothing but a Cascading style sheet file but I am not sure whether it is optimized or not. All that you need to do is to keep your .css short and remove unwanted codes and white spaces. Do not know to do? Chill, I use this online tool: http://www.cleancss.com/

5. Make use of the Height and Width Tags:

Many of us you are not making use of the Height and Width Tags as the CMS have auto adjusting feature in it. This can also indirectly increase your site’s loading speed as server does not know the size of the image while loading. If you add the Height and Width for an image while inserting the server will get to know the size and thereby allocating a separate space for the image while loading the other parts of the page.

Hope you all like it!!

If you know anything more than these then feel free to share it with us through the comments section!!