If you are wondering which is being the most preferred blogging platform next to WordPress, beyond any doubts it is Google’s blogger. This is the place for blogging for even non-tech savvy people, as you do not have to take much of your time out for posting and creating the blogs. I could see numerous personal blogs in Blogger as people would like to speak something about them and their life there.
Below are discussed a few of the preferred and interesting blogger templates that you can choose free for your blogs to make them look unique and suit the theme of your posts.
Go ahead and take a look at the collections,
a. Ads Theme Template:
If you are a looking for a new blogger template with a number of columns, then this is the one for you as this the one where you can add three columns that can be switched between two and three. The regular banners like the header, sidebar and Ad Sense bar with accessibility to integrated feed burners like RSS and email subscriptions are available. In addition, FEEDJIT, MyBlogLog and search boxes with accessibility to add more widgets as apps are available to design a page for your convenience and purpose.Demo & Download: Ads Theme
b. Aspire Template:
The Medieval parchment paper look design that comes out as blogger templates are quite popular and shows out how liberal as an individual you are for your personal blog. This is a three-column template coming with a number of options to fiddle around like the search box, widgets, apps, recent posts, comments and much more to work on. In addition, this blogger template has Photobucket linked to for working around with your photos. The date stamp for the blog post is custom built.Demo & Download: Aspire Theme
c. Astroblogger:
Astro design is a wonderful colorfully designed template blended perfectly well with the artificial colors and designs by the UnoDesign Studio, which can be converted into a blogspot template. Some of the main features will include two columns with right sidebar, nice header image and a built-in RSS feed. There is nothing that you have to work in this blogger everytime or even initially as this is easy to use on downloading with no hassles and requirements of being a computer programming geek.Demo & Download: Astroblogger
d. Business Blogger:
This large-sized blogger template was designed for business purposees only. With this in mind, the designer has added on a number of features with a professional touch to promote your products and services. The blog template has three columns of fixed width, and the contents are editable as well. This is one of the best ways to promote your products. They work best on Internet Explorer and FireFox of all sizes and resolutions. Above all, this template will not take much kbs and is highly efficient as well.Demo & Download: Business Blogger
e. Creative By Nature:
This is one of the best blog spot template styles that has three columns, and are fixed in number. There are no sidebars, but a title bar and header. This template is perfect for various purposes like design blogs, photography blogs, portfolio blogs and other types of blogs, and focuses on loading a number of pictures and images. This blog template is apt for people who would like to promote their tourism business and tourist experiences. The contents of the blog in text are in the center of the main page and new pages could be added as well.Demo & Download: Creative by Nature
f. Exercise Blog:
This is one of the best blogger templates that Distori have created with a purpose in mind. He has designed this free blogger template with two columns, a left sidebar with rounded corners. This is an excellent layout designed for girls, people and sport. When you download this blogger template at no cost, you will find you can download more number of options like an increase in the number of columns to 4 and styles designed and adapted from WordPress, Premium, elegant, minimalist, photo log, rounded corners, and much more.Demo & Download: Exercise Blog
g. Glassical:
If you are looking out for a blogging template that is clean to look, simple, and elegant with no bright colors, then this is the one. This blogger template is known for simplicity and clean look. Designed on light colors, the blogger template features 2 columns, right sidebar, minimal, simple, cool background and a search box. The blogger template also has a number of links. The light blue of the blogger reminds of a heavenly surprise.Demo & Download: Glassical
h. iBlog:
This is one of the deluxe blogger templates that are new and simple with no use of advanced technology. It has a perfect and elegant design, which is recommended mostly for the business and technical blogs. They drive more traffic to these blogs. Some of the features of this blogger template design are 2 columns, right sidebar, blue, minimal custom search box, top menu pages and social icons. These blogs are some of the templates that can be used to promote your products and services in a professional manner.Demo & Download: iBlog
i. iShowcase-Black Gallery Template:
This is one the best blogger templates that is being designed for magazine and news blogs. Making far ahead the blogger template enables the user to upload a number of videos and images in ease and is easily downloadable. The blogger template has a gallery outlook, giving you an idea of what is in their before you can actually sneak into one or two of the blogs posted. As this gallery keeps being updated on a regular basis, the newer ones falling in the front, you will find the first post to be the latest. This blogger template has a great style and design for photographers, professionals and design blogger.Demo & Download: iShowcase-Black Gallery Template
j. Japanese Fleur:
This is yet another excellent beta design of a blogger template. The template was originally built on wordpress and is designed by Lorelie for wordpress.org users. However, this template has been recently updated to XML version of the beta Blogger templates. So there is nothing much to worry on that you can start instantly posting your blog posts with no hassles. They also feature with a number of built-in ready to use widgets and apps.Demo & Download: Japanese Fleur
k. Kids Style-Bright Blogger Template:
Coming from the best blogger design and style, this is one of the greatest designed templates which have the perfect cartoon design for kids with varying shades of brown and other colors becoming mundane in the brown backdrop. This theme has a design which looks like a hand drawn one. There are sidebars and header as in many other blogger templates. The rounded corners are made for a family, personal and mommy blogs.Demo & Download: Kids Style-Bright Blogger Template
l. Marioland:
Marioland is one of the best blogger templates designed over comical character Marioland that has become one of the latest oceanic adventurous comical protagonists. This free blogger template, has been adapted from WordPress and has 2 columns with a right sidebar. This blogger template has been designed as an excellent layout for entertainment blogs and media blogs, games and kids. The number of columns could be changed to a maximum of four with other features like WordPress, photolog, magazine and gallery.Demo & Download: Marioland
m. Natural Gloom Blogger:
This is a simple blogger template that comes with a cool dark backdrop and background, making the look to be made out of natural colors. The blogger template has a number of features like two columns, a right sidebar, vectors, grunge, top menu links and simple with dark colors. This blogger template lets you create your blog neat and clean giving the calm and serene appearance of a website.Demo & Download: Natural Gloom blogger
n. Night Tales – Unique Blogger Template:
Night tales is a classic three-column blogger template, which is made of left and right sidebars. This will aid in downloading the Night Tales blogger template, where you can upload a number of fairy tales, comics, entertainment and fin features and posts. This blog is more professional for media, and entertainment purpose.Demo & Download: Night Tales – Unique Blogger Template
o. Translucence:
Translucence is a two-column blogger template with the emphasis on the light backdrop. This will enlighten the readers with the content and luminescent theme that has a number of features like social icons, minimal dark backdrops, top menu, search box, right sidebar, and two columns. This is one of the best template designs that was designed for a more calm and elegant website.Demo & Download: Translucence
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