How to Trace your Gmail Senders

I am sure you must be getting some unwanted mails from anonymous e-mail IDs quite often. It really irritates us sometimes, so if you want to find the details of those who are sending it then the following small tutorial can help you to locate the place of the sender.
Do you want to track the details of someone sending mails to your Gmail account? Here is a simple way to track the IP of the mails which hits your Gmail Inbox, use the IP and find the details.
1. When you open the e-mail you could see a small down arrow button next to reply. Just click that to get some options listed

2. Click the option Show Original which is the second from the bottom. A pop up will open in a new tab/window with some encoding information.

3. Take a look at the image present below and then read the next line. Huh, here is the IP of the sender in the first line of the highlighted part.

4. Go to any websites that shows the details of an IP and find out who is sending the mail. There are many websites which provides the service, just google it.

It is not possible to find out the exact address of the sender but still you can get the overall idea who is sending you the stuffs
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